This project titled Iden­ti­­fi­­ca­­tion and per­­ma­­nent doc­u­­men­­ta­­tion of cul­­tural land­s­cape and set­tle­­ment memory: a case study of aban­­doned set­tle­­ments of Moravia and Sile­sia (DG18P02OVV070; sup­­ported by the Min­istry of Cul­­ture Czech Repub­­lic) solves the inves­ti­­ga­­tion a doc­u­­men­­ta­­tion of the phys­i­­cal aban­­doned set­tle­­ments within all ter­ri­­tory of Moravia and Sile­sia and in more detail within the case studies.

The research is focused on phys­i­cally extinct set­tle­ments in period from 1945 to 1989. The research method­ol­ogy is based on a com­bi­na­tion of the land­scape eco­log­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal research approaches.

An impor­tant part of the project is work­ing with wit­ness­es. Selected inter­views with wit­nesses will be upload­ed. The out­puts will take the form of short audio-vi­sual doc­u­ments con­sist­ing of audio record­ing and video mate­r­ial – video record­ings, cur­rent pho­tographs, his­tor­i­cal pho­tos of the described ter­ri­to­ry, other graphic mate­ri­als (2D maps of the changes of the land­scape struc­ture and the 3D model of the set­tle­ments in the con­text of the sur­round­ing land­scapes).

Three microre­gions were cho­sen for a more detailed research – Brun­tál, Jeseník and Šumperk (north east­ern part of Czech Republic).


The project is supported by the Ministry of the Culture Czech Republic from 2018 to 2022.

The project is carried out by by three partners:


Research goals

  • to build a database of settlements which were abandoned post World War II within Moravia and Silesia
  • to recreate a visualization of selected settlements on historical and geographical evidence
  • to create an interactive map of the Czech Republic featuring all settlements along with visual and statistical data
  • to create a detailed visualization of the settlement and landscape structure changes in selected micro-regions (creation of maps with specialized content)
  • to create audio-visual records for selected abandoned settlements in the focused micro-regions
  • to create a web-based application for creation permanent record about evolution of landscape a society (in audio-visual form)
  • to create a standardised certified methodology focused on the presentation of extinct settlements in the Czech borderland in exhibition and museum expositions
  • to familiarise residents of research areas with the results and encourage teaching of the findings in schools via local municipalities
  • to evaluate the local collections and archive sources stored in regional museums, district archives, etc., and their connection with newly acquired knowledge

The project will have the following main outputs:

  • an interactive map of the abandoned settlements of Moravia and Silesia, including graphic and textual specifics
  • maps related to landscape changes
  • an audio-visual documentary about the development of the landscape and the society of selected defunct settlements in the focused selected micro-regions
  • a web application called “Modern Chronicle of the Village”
  • a traveling exhibition in the regions and a certified methodology for the presentation of defunct settlements
  • conferences and workshops
  • a professional book
  • other publishing activities

Research team

Mgr. Ing. Hana Vavrouchová, Ph.D.

The coordinator of the project team, working at Mendel University in Brno.

Responsible for concept and content of recording the landscape and society changes, additionally responsible for the coordination of all departments and compiling theirs outputs, as well as participating in field research, organizational and publishing activities.


Doc. RNDr. Antonín Vaishar, CSc.

A research team member of Mendel University in Brno.

The methodological guarantor for demographic development issues and interpretations of changes in the settlement structure, participating in field research, organizational and publishing activities.


Ing. Tomáš Mašíček, Ph.D.

A research team member of Mendel University in Brno.

Responsible for creating cartographic outputs based on the visualization of changes in selected micro-regions on the basis of current and historical maps; participates in organizational and publishing activities.


Ing. Veronika Peřinková

A research team member of Mendel University in Brno.

Participates in organizational and publishing activities, conducts field research and analysis of changes in landscape structure.


Mgr. David Kovařík, Ph.D.

The project coordinator for the Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Responsible for archival research, literature research, database creation and interviews with witnesses, as well as the databases of extinct settlements in the territory of Moravia and Silesia and certified methodology of exhibition activities of extinct settlements. He is a major contributor to publishing activities within the project.


PhDr. Helena Nosková, CSc.

A member of the research team of the Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Responsible for archival, literature and field research and for cooperation with regional institutions; guarantees the preparation of exhibitions and museum expositions including a critical catalog. Significantly contributes to the creation of a certified methodology and to publishing activities within the project.


PhDr. Petr Bednařík, PhD.

A member of the research team of the Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Participates in archive, field and literary research, the preparation of exhibitions and museum expositions including the critical catalog and publication outputs.


Mgr. Barbora Čermáková

A member of the research team of the Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Responsible for organizational and administrative work, participates in interviews with witnesses, field research, and cooperation with regional memory institutions and the preparation of exhibitions, museum expositions and catalog.


Mgr. Lukáš Pevný

The project coordinator for Masaryk University team.

Responsible for processing outputs in the field of computer graphics and visual design.


MgA. Helena Lukášová, ArtD.

A member of the research team of Masaryk University.

Responsible for 3D visualization and 3D modeling including prints

Research results